About 5 years ago, a friend explained the difference between wild and factory-farmed salmon. I stick to wild salmon now, (here's an article if you want to read more) and find it more flavorful. I stay away from canned salmon, even though most of it is wild, because I find the texture, well, odd. It takes just a few minutes to poach salmon and flake it yourself, so why not stop at the local fish market and pick some up?
This recipe gets an "average to difficult" rating only because the sauce can be intimidating. It's easy though, so I encourage you to try it out. A word of caution, the shells are usually sold 12 to a box and you can count on at least one to be broken. Buy more than you need. If luck is on your side, you'll get all 12 in tact. If not, form the leftover filling onto balls, roll them in bread crumbs and bake them along with the shells.
Time: 1 hour
Yield: 12 shells (2-3 per person)
Level: Average to difficult